Sunday, February 23, 2025
आदर्श हिमाचल वेलफेयर सोसायटी ने 13 जनवरी 2025 को रोहडू तैहसील की खंगटेडी पंचायत में सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया शिमला के कृष्णा नगर में लगी भयंकर आग, ढही इमारत Chandigarh Group of colleges , Jhanjeri Mohali Punjab , NAAC A+,NIRF launches CGC Josh Scholarship Program Worth 25 Crore To Support Higher Education Of Deserving Students and also hold Principal Cum Teachers Meet in Shimla  चंडीगढ़ ग्रुप ऑफ कॉलेजेज, झंजेरी मोहाली पंजाब, NAAC A+,NIRF ने योग्य छात्रों की उच्च शिक्षा का समर्थन करने के लिए 25 करोड़ रुपये का CGC जोश छात्रवृत्ति कार्यक्रम शुरू किया  जवाहर बल मंच के पूर्व संयोजक महेश सिंह ठाकुर (मैडी) ने समन्वयक बनाए जाने पर मुख्यमंत्री का आभार प्रकट किया डिजाइन एनर्जी में नाथपा झाकड़ी हाइडो पावर स्टेशन ने रचा नया कीर्तिमान


Another CSIR lab to start genome sequencing of novel coronavirus

Another CSIR lab to start genome sequencing of novel coronavirus  

After the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and the Institute of Genomic and Integrated Biology (IGIB), one more institute of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has started whole-genome sequencing of novel coronavirus.

Scientists ready for field trials of pest-resistant cotton variety

Scientists ready for field trials of pest-resistant cotton variety

Whiteflies are one of the top ten devastating pests in the world

National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) Lucknow has developed a pest-resistant variety of cotton

Field trials this year from April to October

 Whiteflies are one of the top ten devastating pests in the world that damage more than 2000 plant species and also function as vectors for some 200-plant viruses. Cotton is one of the worst hit crops by these, in 2015 two third of the cotton crop was destroyed by the pest in Punjab.

PM urges people not to panic and avoid unnecessary travels

PM urges people not to panic and avoid unnecessary travels

Follow the advise and instructions by doctors, says PM

Appreciates IT professionals and Workers for providing seamless services to the fellow citizens

 The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has urged people not to panic and avoid unnecessary travels. While asking everyone to listen to the advise given by doctors, PM said all those who have been told to stay in home quarantine should follow the instructions.

PM appreciates Government of Maldives for contributing to COVID-19 Emergency fund

 PM appreciates Government of Maldives for contributing to COVID-19 Emergency fund

 The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has expressed deep appreciation for Government of Maldives for contributing USD 200,000 to the COVID-19 Emergency fund.

Care for yourself and others by staying at homes this Sunday - Vice President appeals to the people

Care for yourself and others by staying at homes this Sunday - Vice President appeals to the people

Asks every citizen to guide and motivate others in facing the challenge posed by Coronavirus

Shri Naidu urges political parties and all others to fight Coronavirus together


Technology Development Board under DST invites technology proposals for fighting COVID 19

Technology Development Board under DST invites technology proposals for fighting COVID 19

Proposal applications from Indian companies and enterprises to address protection and home-based respiratory intervention for COVID-19 patients

Proposals may be submitted online via TDB website on or before 27th March 2020

 In the last few decades, various viral diseases have spread across continents and caused massive fatalities.

Monthly Production Report for February,2020

Monthly Production Report for February,2020

 Crude Oil

Crude oil production[1] during February,2020 was2399.51 TMT which is16.99% lower than target and6.41%

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh appeals to people to make 'Janta Curfew' tomorrowa huge success

Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh appeals to people to make 'Janta Curfew' tomorrowa huge success

 Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh has appealed to the people to make 'Janta Curfew' a huge success by staying at home tomorrow (March 22, Sunday) following the call given by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. 

Govt caps prices of hand sanitizers, masks; States/UTs asked to maintain essential supplies

Govt caps prices of hand sanitizers, masks; States/UTs asked to maintain essential supplies

 Government has issued orders to cap the retail prices of hand sanitizers at Rs. 100 per bottle of 200 ml. Retail prices of surgical mask (3 ply) 

Rs. 99.99 crore released to States/UTs for setting up 651 fast track special courts

Rs. 99.99 crore released to  States/UTs for setting up 651 fast track special courts

 The Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 provides for establishment of Special Courts for trying the offences under the POCSO Act. The POCSO Act has adequate provisions

Solar Power for Traction Requirement

Solar Power for Traction Requirement

 At this stage, Indian Railways proposes to harness 500 Mega Watt (MW) land based solar power for Traction purpose. 

Mineral Production during January 2020 (Provisional)

Mineral Production during January 2020 (Provisional)

         The index of mineral production of mining and quarrying sector for the month of January 2020 (Base: 2011-12=100) at 124.3, was 4.4% higher as compared to the level in the month of January, 2019. 

Recommendations of GST Council related on IT Roadmap

Recommendations of GST Council related on IT Roadmap  

The 39th GST Council met under the Chairmanship of Union Finance & Corporate Affairs Minister Smt Nirmala Sitharaman here today. 

Medical Facilities in Rural Areas

Medical Facilities in Rural Areas

 There is some shortfall in the number of medical facilities in position vis-à-vis requirement in the rural areas of the country. 

Start-Up India Scheme regarding Animal Husbandry

Start-Up India Scheme regarding Animal Husbandry

 For employment generation and promotion of entrepreneurship in dairy and small ruminant sector especially in rural areas, 

Problems of Fishermen

Problems of Fishermen

 The Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying is implementing a Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) on Blue Revolution: Integrated 

National Fisheries Policy

National Fisheries Policy

 Government of India envisages bringing out a National Fisheries Policy for holistic development of the fisheries sector.

Speech by the president of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind at the banquet hosted in honour of his excellency Mr Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Speech by the president of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind at the banquet hosted in honour of his excellency Mr Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

मंत्रिमंडल ने 12वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना के बाद वन्‍य जीव प्राकृतिक वास के समेकित विकास की केन्‍द्र प्रायोजित प्रमुख योजना जारी रखने की मंजूरी दी

मंत्रिमंडल ने 12वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना के बाद वन्‍य जीव प्राकृतिक वास के समेकित विकास की केन्‍द्र प्रायोजित प्रमुख योजना जारी रखने की मंजूरी दी

 प्रधानमंत्री श्री नरेन्‍द्र मोदी की अध्‍यक्षता में आर्थिक मामलों की मंत्रिमंडल समिति ने 2017-18 से 2019-20 तक 12वीं पंचवर्षीय योजना में वन्‍य जीव प्राकृतिक वास (सीएसएस-आईडीडब्‍ल्‍यूएच) के एकीकृत विकास की केन्‍द्र प्रायोजित प्रमुख योजना जारी रखने की मंजूरी दे दी है। इसमें केन्‍द्र प्रायोजित प्रोजेक्‍ट टाइगर योजना (सीएसएस-पीटी), वन्‍य जीव प्राकृतिक वास योजना (सीएसएस-डीडब्‍ल्‍यूएच) और प्रोजेक्‍ट हाथी (सीएसएस-पीई) योजना शामिल हैं। 

भारत के वित्त आयोग ने चेन्नई में अर्थशास्त्रियों के साथ तीसरे परामर्श का आयोजन किया

भारत के वित्त आयोग ने चेन्नई में अर्थशास्त्रियों के साथ तीसरे परामर्श का आयोजन किया 

इस दौरान निर्धारित अवधि के लिए अनुमान व्‍यक्‍त करने के मार्ग में मौजूद चुनौतियों पर विचार-विमर्श किया गया 

 तमिलनाडु सरकार के साथ अपनी बैठक से पहले वित्त आयोग ने आज चेन्नई में इस क्षेत्र के अग्रणी अर्थशास्त्रि‍यों के साथ तीसरे परामर्श का आयोजन किया, जिसमें 11 जाने-माने अर्थशास्त्रि‍यों और विशिष्‍ट कार्यक्षेत्रों (डोमेन) के विशेषज्ञों ने भाग लिया।

रेल मंत्रालय द्वारा ‘मोबिलिटी के लिए सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग’ पर संगोष्‍ठी का आयोजन

रेल मंत्रालय द्वारा ‘मोबिलिटी के लिए सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी का उपयोग’ पर संगोष्‍ठी का आयोजन

श्री पीयूष गोयल ने कहा, ‘कागज रहित अनारक्षित टिकटों की संख्‍या 2014 में 195 थी, जो पिछले वर्ष बढ़कर 67,000 हो गई। यह तीन वर्षों में 35,000 प्रतिशत की बढ़ोतरी है’  

जल बचाओ, वीडियो बनाओ, पुरस्कार पाओ प्रतियोगिता : मोहम्मद अमजद, सुप्रीत देव और चंदन कुमार ने दूसरे पखवाड़े में पुरस्कार जीते

जल बचाओ, वीडियो बनाओ, पुरस्कार पाओ प्रतियोगिता :  मोहम्मद अमजद, सुप्रीत देव और चंदन कुमार ने दूसरे पखवाड़े में पुरस्कार जीते

 जल संसाधन, नदी विकास और गंगा संरक्षण मंत्रालय ने जल बचाओ, वीडियो बनाओ, पुरस्कार पाओ प्रतियोगिता में दूसरे पखवाड़े (25 जुलाई – 08 अगस्त) के लिए विजेताओं के नामों की घोषणा की। 25 जुलाई से 08 अगस्त, 2018 की अवधि के लिए पटना से मोहम्मद अमजद, टुमकुर, कर्नाटक से श्री सुप्रित देव और चंपारण से चंदन कुमार ने क्रमशः प्रथम, द्वितीय और तृतीय स्थान पाया। इन विजेताओं को क्रमशः 25,000, 15,000 और 10,000 रुपये की पुरस्कार राशि प्रदान की जाएगी।

उप-राष्‍ट्रपति द्वितीय विश्‍व हिन्‍दू सम्‍मेलन में भाग लेने अमेरिका जाएंगे

उप-राष्‍ट्रपति द्वितीय विश्‍व हिन्‍दू सम्‍मेलन में भाग लेने अमेरिका जाएंगे

 उप-राष्‍ट्रपति श्री एम. वेंकैया नायडू द्वितीय विश्‍व हिन्‍दू सम्‍मेलन में भाग लेने के लिए 8-9 सितम्‍बर, 2018को अमेरिका जाएंगे। सम्‍मेलन का आयोजन 1893 में शिकागो में विश्‍व धर्म संसद में स्‍वामी विवेकानंद द्वारा दिए गए ऐतिहासिक भाषण की 125वीं वर्षगांठ के अवसर पर किया गया है।

उपराष्ट्रपति आज स्वर्गीय वाजपेयी के परिजनों से मिलने उनके आवास गए

उपराष्ट्रपति आज स्वर्गीय वाजपेयी के परिजनों से मिलने उनके आवास गए 

 उपराष्ट्रपति श्री एम. वैंकेया नायडू आज पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री स्वर्गीय श्री अटल बिहारी वाजपेयी के आवास पर गए। उपराष्ट्रपति के साथ उनकी बेटी श्रीमती दीपा वेंकट भी थीं।

8.2 percent Growth of GDP in real terms in Q1 of 2018-19 in line with momentum built in the economy & broad -based

8.2 percent Growth of GDP in real terms in Q1 of 2018-19 in line with momentum built in the economy & broad -based

The Central Statistics Office today released the estimates of GDP for the first quarter (Q1) of 2018-19.  In line with momentum built in the economy, the growth of GDP in real terms in Q1 of 2018-19 is 8.2 per cent, 

CCI imposes penalty on Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC), and others for anti-competitive conduct

CCI imposes penalty on Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce (KFCC), and others for anti-competitive conduct

 The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has found that KFCC and others have acted in concert and impeded entry and screening of dubbed movies and in particular the Informant’s film –“Sathyadev IPS”  in State of Karnataka, thereby violating the provisions of section 3(1) and section 3(3)(b)  of the Competition Act, 2002.

AYUSH Minister to inaugurate the Fourth International Ayurveda Congress at Netherlands

AYUSH Minister to inaugurate the Fourth International Ayurveda Congress at Netherlands 

 Minister of State, (IC), for AYUSH Shri Shripad Yesso Naik will be inaugurated the Fourth International Ayurveda Congress (IAvC) at Netherlands tommorrow. The Minister is visiting Netherlands from September 1-4, 2018 to participate in the Congress jointly organized by International Maharishi Ayurveda Foundation, Netherlands; All India Ayurvedic Congress, New Delhi and the International Academy of Ayurveda, Pune in association with the Indian Embassy in the Netherlands. 

PM to launch India Post Payments Bank on Saturday, 1st September

PM to launch India Post Payments Bank on Saturday, 1st September

 The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, will launch the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) at Talkatora Stadium in New Delhi on September 1st, 2018.

Filing of Income Tax Returns registers an upsurge of 71% upto 31st August,2018

Filing of Income Tax Returns registers an upsurge of 71% upto 31st August,2018

There has been a marked improvement in the number of Income Tax Returns(ITRs) filed during FY 2018 (upto 31/08/2018, the extended due date of filing) compared to the corresponding period in the preceding year. The total number of ITRs e-filed upto 31/08/2018 was 5.42 crore as against 3.17 crore upto 31/08/2017, marking an

Suresh Prabhu holds bilateral meetings on sidelines of RCEP

Suresh Prabhu launching 3rd Review of India Singapore CECA with Minister of Trade Relations of Singapore

India and Singapore today launched the 3rd Review of India Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) in Singapore.  The review was launched by India’s Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil

Prime Minister to interact with Awardees of National Teachers’ Awards on the eve of Teachers’ Day

Prime Minister to interact with Awardees of National Teachers’ Awards on the eve of Teachers’ Day

This year’s awardees selected under revised guidelines to ensure transparent, fair and reward demonstrated excellence and performance

Working status of Doppler Weather Radar at Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram

Working status of Doppler Weather Radar at Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram

 Doppler Weather Radar (DWR) Kochi faced technical issue with the Antenna Servo sub unit and Leakage of pressure inside Wave guide assembly on 2nd August 2018. The normal operations were stalled because of this major issues and RADAR become unserviceable.


Fake Sagarmala Website

Fake Sagarmala Website

 It has come to the notice of Ministry of Shipping that a fake website link with the url: is being sent through emails to job seekers and other genuine stakeholders of Sagarmala programme. This fake website that may appear to be similar or identical to the original Sagarmala Website contains a false advertisement about recruitment of Engineer trainee and Diploma trainee.

PM inaugurates new building of Central Information Commission in New Delhi

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today inaugurated the new building of the Central Information Commission (CIC) in New Delhi.

Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) Scheme for Doctoral Studies (Ph.D.) in IITs and IISc aim at attracting the best talent

Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF) Scheme for Doctoral Studies (Ph.D.) in IITs and IISc aim at attracting the best talent

First Mega Food Park in Maharashtra at Satara Inaugurated

First Mega Food Park in Maharashtra at Satara Inaugurated

DefExpo 2018 Chennai gets huge response

DefExpo India has become one of the largest events of its kind in the world for the last 10 years. For the first time DefExpo is being held in Chennai from 11 to 14 April 2018 and there is tremendous response to the event. The location of the event is Tiruvidanthal, Kancheepuramdistrict on the East Coast Road near Chennai. Shortly, after announcement of the dates of DefExpo 2018 there is overwhelming response for participation from both foreign countries and domestic defence industries. 42 countries have already confirmed their participation and the number is expected to grow in the coming days.

Global Crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 60.86 per bbl on 20.11.2017

Global Crude oil price of Indian Basket was US$ 60.86 per bbl on 20.11.2017 

The international crude oil price of Indian Basket as computed/published today by Petroleum Planning and Analysis Cell (PPAC) under the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas was US$ 60.86 per barrel (bbl) on 20.11.2017. This was higher than the price of US$ 60.27 per bbl on previous publishing day of 17.11.2017.

In The Indian Panorama Section meet The Directors of Non-Feature Film Organized

In The Indian Panorama Section meet The Directors of Non-Feature Film Organized 

In the International Film Festival of India in Indian Panorama section ‘Meet - the Directors of Non-Feature Films’ was organized today. Shri Ajay Kurane, Director Baluta (Marathi), Anik Dutta, Director Meghnadbod Rohosyo (Bengali), Rima Das, Director, Village Rock stars (Assamese), Lipika Singh Darai, The Waterfall (English) interacted with the media.

Constitution of Task Force for drafting a New Direct Tax Legislation

Constitution of Task Force for drafting a New Direct Tax Legislation 

During the Rajaswa Gyan Sangam held on 1st and 2nd September, 2017, the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi had observed that the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Act) was drafted more than 50 years ago and it needs to be re-drafted. Accordingly, in order to review the Act and to draft a new Direct Tax Law in consonance with economic needs of the country, the Government has constituted a Task Force with the following Members: