Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Road Ministry Advises States to Minimise Travelling by Public; Requests for Considering Refund of Fare for Advance Bookings to Discourage Travel

March 18, 2020 11:51 PM

Road Ministry Advises States to Minimise Travelling by Public; Requests for Considering Refund of Fare for Advance Bookings to Discourage Travel

 Union Ministry of Road Transport & Highways has urged all the States and Union Territories to take necessary steps for containing Novel Corona virus - COVID 19 in the means of public transport. In a letter to the Principal Secretaries and Secretaries in charge of Transport, and Transport Commissioners of all States/UTs, The Central Road Ministry has highlighted the importance of social distancing for controlling this disease.

The Ministry has requested the States to minimise transport numbers among the people, and also if it is not unavoidable, refund of fare may be considered against advance bookings.

Further, the States/UTs have been requested to make arrangements for sending SMSs to the passengers for making them aware of these steps.

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