Monday, February 24, 2025
आदर्श हिमाचल वेलफेयर सोसायटी ने 13 जनवरी 2025 को रोहडू तैहसील की खंगटेडी पंचायत में सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया शिमला के कृष्णा नगर में लगी भयंकर आग, ढही इमारत Chandigarh Group of colleges , Jhanjeri Mohali Punjab , NAAC A+,NIRF launches CGC Josh Scholarship Program Worth 25 Crore To Support Higher Education Of Deserving Students and also hold Principal Cum Teachers Meet in Shimla  चंडीगढ़ ग्रुप ऑफ कॉलेजेज, झंजेरी मोहाली पंजाब, NAAC A+,NIRF ने योग्य छात्रों की उच्च शिक्षा का समर्थन करने के लिए 25 करोड़ रुपये का CGC जोश छात्रवृत्ति कार्यक्रम शुरू किया  जवाहर बल मंच के पूर्व संयोजक महेश सिंह ठाकुर (मैडी) ने समन्वयक बनाए जाने पर मुख्यमंत्री का आभार प्रकट किया डिजाइन एनर्जी में नाथपा झाकड़ी हाइडो पावर स्टेशन ने रचा नया कीर्तिमान


247 Lifeline Udan flights operated during lockdown to transport 418 tons of medical supplies across the country

April 22, 2020 10:36 AM

247 Lifeline Udan flights operated during lockdown to transport 418 tons of medical supplies across the country  

MoCA core group was formed with important Stakeholders for undertaking Lifeline UDN initiative to transport essential medical cargo to remote parts of the country to support India’s war against COVID-19 and Hub & spoke lifeline services were started from 26th March 2020, said Sh. Rajeev Jain, ADG (Media) for MoCA. During a press briefing today, Sh. Rajeev Jain provided an overview of Lifeline Udan initiative by MoCA during lockdown period and informed that 247 flights have been operated under Lifeline Udan by ir India, Alliance Air, IAF and private carriers. 154 of these flights have been operated by ir India and Alliance Air. Cargo transported till date is more than 418 tons. erial distance covered by Lifeline Udan flights till date is more than 2.45 lakh kms.

Air India, Alliance Air, IAF and private carriers are operating flights to deliver essential items including medical supplies with special focus on the North East Region, island territories and the hill statesAir India and IAF collaborated primarily for J&K, Ladakh, North-East and other island regions. Helicopter services including Pawan Hans Ltd have been operating in J&K, Ladakh and North East region transporting critical medical cargo and patients.

In the International Sector, an air-bridge has been established with China with effect from 4 April 2020 for transportation of pharmaceuticals, medical equipment and Covid-19 relief material. Within South Asia, Air India transported medical supplies to Colombo.

Air India operated first flight under Krishi Udan program between Mumbai and London on 13 April 2020 carrying 29 tons of fruits and vegetables to London and returned with 15.6 Tons of general cargo material. Air India operated its second flight between Mumbai and Frankfurt on 15 April 2020 under the Krishi Udan program, carrying 27 tons of seasonal fruits and vegetables to Frankfurt and returned with 10 tons of general cargo.

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