Monday, February 24, 2025
आदर्श हिमाचल वेलफेयर सोसायटी ने 13 जनवरी 2025 को रोहडू तैहसील की खंगटेडी पंचायत में सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया शिमला के कृष्णा नगर में लगी भयंकर आग, ढही इमारत Chandigarh Group of colleges , Jhanjeri Mohali Punjab , NAAC A+,NIRF launches CGC Josh Scholarship Program Worth 25 Crore To Support Higher Education Of Deserving Students and also hold Principal Cum Teachers Meet in Shimla  चंडीगढ़ ग्रुप ऑफ कॉलेजेज, झंजेरी मोहाली पंजाब, NAAC A+,NIRF ने योग्य छात्रों की उच्च शिक्षा का समर्थन करने के लिए 25 करोड़ रुपये का CGC जोश छात्रवृत्ति कार्यक्रम शुरू किया  जवाहर बल मंच के पूर्व संयोजक महेश सिंह ठाकुर (मैडी) ने समन्वयक बनाए जाने पर मुख्यमंत्री का आभार प्रकट किया डिजाइन एनर्जी में नाथपा झाकड़ी हाइडो पावर स्टेशन ने रचा नया कीर्तिमान

Andhra Pradesh

Setting up of National Academic Depository (NAD) for Digitalization of School Records

March 27, 2018 07:58 PM

Setting up of National Academic Depository (NAD) for Digitalization of School Records


Government has setup National Academic Depository (NAD) which is a 24x7 online store house of academic awards digitally lodged by various academic institutions/school boards/eligibility assessment bodies.  The University Grants Commission (UGC) has been designated as authorized body to operationalise NAD.  The academic awards to be lodged on NAD cover degrees, diplomas, certificates, mark-sheets including awards issued for skill development.  The framework of NAD includes various Central Universities, Central Higher Educational Institutions, State Universities, Deemed to be universities, Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), State School Education Boards etc. located in various States/Union Territories including the State of Maharashtra.  NAD comprises of two interoperable digital depositories viz., NSDL Database Management Limited (NDML) and CDSL Ventures Limited (CVL).  Maintenance of academic awards in a digital depository not only enables online access, retrieval and verification of these awards, but also helps eliminating fraudulent practices such as forging of certificates and mark-sheets etc.

CBSE has introduced “ Parinam Manjusha” which acts as:-

  • Academic Repository
  • Facilitates Online Verification and
  • Students can get digital documents such as Mark Sheet, Pass Certificates and Migration Certificates of CBSE examination through Digi Locker.


This information was given by the Minister of State (HRD), Shri Upendra Kushwaha today in a written reply to a Lok Sabha question.

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