Saturday, December 21, 2024
Chandigarh Group of colleges , Jhanjeri Mohali Punjab , NAAC A+,NIRF launches CGC Josh Scholarship Program Worth 25 Crore To Support Higher Education Of Deserving Students and also hold Principal Cum Teachers Meet in Shimla  चंडीगढ़ ग्रुप ऑफ कॉलेजेज, झंजेरी मोहाली पंजाब, NAAC A+,NIRF ने योग्य छात्रों की उच्च शिक्षा का समर्थन करने के लिए 25 करोड़ रुपये का CGC जोश छात्रवृत्ति कार्यक्रम शुरू किया  जवाहर बल मंच के पूर्व संयोजक महेश सिंह ठाकुर (मैडी) ने समन्वयक बनाए जाने पर मुख्यमंत्री का आभार प्रकट किया डिजाइन एनर्जी में नाथपा झाकड़ी हाइडो पावर स्टेशन ने रचा नया कीर्तिमान मुख्य संसदीय सचिव के मामले में सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय का मुख्यमंत्री ने किया स्वागत मुख्य संसदीय सचिव के मामले में सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के निर्णय का मुख्यमंत्री ने किया स्वागत



March 28, 2020 03:33 AM


In pursuance of the Meghalaya Epidemic Diseases, COVID-19 Regulations, 2020 issued by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of Meghalaya, the Additional Chief Secretary to the Government of Meghalaya, Personnel and A.R. (A) Department in an order issued on 23rd March, 2020 has directed all Government Servants to adhere to the regulations and all advisories of the Health and Family Welfare Department issued from time to time.

The Additional Chief Secretary informed that section 5 of the regulations states that in case the person has any such history in last 14 days and the person is asymptomatic, then the person must be kept in “stay at home” for 14 days from the day of exposure, in case the person has any such history in last 14 days and the person is symptomatic as per case definition of COVID-19, the person must be isolated in a hospital and will be tested for COVID-19 as per protocol and information of all such cases should be given to office of the District Medical & Health Officer, District Control Room of the respective District immediately.

Further, the Additional Chief Secretary informed that self declaration should be done on the portal, all Government employees and their family members must strictly adhere to this order and follow the regulations and also maintain social distancing and added that this order shall come into force with immediate effect and until further orders.

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